Stellar Structure

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Revision as of 16:49, 5 December 2008 by (Talk)

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  • What are the equations of stellar structure?
  • What is Betelguese? What is its spectral class?
  • What is Sirius? What is its spectral class?
  • What is the seperation between Sirius and its WD companion?
  • Show that r is proportional to t^(2/5) in the Sedov phase of a supernova remnant
  • How does the maximum mass of a WD made from hydrogen differ from one made of Carbon?
  • For a star that loses its energy source and begin to collapse, how does its virialization time scale compare to its collapsing time scale?
  • What causes limb darkening? Why is it colour dependent? Why is it more prominent in the blue than in IR?
