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Questions in this category have been asked by MT, PJ

  • Describe the evolution of the Universe backwards in time from now to the beginning. Include the relative abundances of ALL particles (bosons & fermions) in the description.
  • What is Omega_DarkMatter?
  • Can it be neutrinos & how do we know?
  • What is the flatness problem?
    • How can you use inflation to explain it? (using Freedman eqs)
  • What are other importances of inflation?
  • What is CMB anisotropy?
    • What is the value and the position of the first acoustic peak and its physics?
  • What do you know about the CMB spectrum?
  • Why do we need BBN to account for the abundance of He?
  • Why can't BBN produce heavier elements but a star can?
  • What do you know about dark energy?
  • What is the Lyman-alpha forest?