Officers 2020/2021

Stella Schindler
frodo1 (2)
Stella is a third-year in the Center for Theoretical Physics who works on QCD as her day job and dabbles in optics on the side. She grew up, went to college, and is now doing grad school from 1,191 miles away in St. Louis, Missouri, with her rough collie, Frodo. When not theorizing, she enjoys playing viola in MITSO, painting, engaging in activism, and playing pranks on unsuspecting colleagues.  A former Italian major, she looks forward to applying her knowledge of Machiavelli to governing PGSC.
Wenzer Qin
A photo of Wenzer Qin
Executive Vice President
Wenzer is a second-year graduate student in the CTP studying cosmology and particle astrophysics, with a special interest in dark matter. She hails from Columbia, Missouri, and enjoys making digital doodles and playing with twisty cubes in her spare time.
Ali Ghorashi
Vice President of Programming
I’m from Portland, Maine- an oceanside town that I visit during Thanksgiving and near-apocalyptic pandemics including but not necessarily limited to Covid-19. My main research interest is in CMT, and I read biographies during the sliver of my free time that can be construed as productive.
Alyssa Rudelis
Vice President of Advocacy
Alyssa is a third-year PhD student in Professor Vladan Vuletić’s experimental atomic physics group. At this point, she’s a little bit from each Arkansas, Oklahoma, Texas, and California. When she’s not in lab, she enjoys baking sweet treats for her undergraduate residents as a Graduate Resident Advisor (GRA) in Maseeh Hall, dancing, decorating her apartment, writing creative non-fiction, and working on grad student advocacy projects.
Rahul Jayaraman
A photo of Rahul Jayaraman
Vice President of Student Engagement
GSC Representative
Rahul (he/him) is a second-year Astro student working on detecting transients and other weird astrophysical phenomena using TESS. When he’s not coding, he likes to drink coffee, read long-form feature articles, and marvel at all the dogs in Cambridge. He’s from California but, after five years in New England, still complains incessantly about the weather.
Dahlia Klein
A photo of Dahlia Klein
Virtual Social Chair
GSC Representative
Dahlia studies transport of magnetic 2D materials in the Jarillo-Herrero Group in Condensed Matter Experiment. Outside of the lab, she enjoys knitting thermally insulating layers to survive the Boston winters and experimenting in the kitchen with new baking projects.
Stephanie O’Neil
Virtual Social Chair
Stephanie started at MIT in fall 2017, where she studies astrophysics using simulations to model the evolution galaxies. In addition to pretty space pictures, she is particularly fond of cookies and other exciting desserts.
Neel Kabadi
A Photo of Neel Kabadi
Virtual Social Chair
Neel Kabadi studies plasma physics and fusion energy as part of the High Energy Density Group. In his free time he enjoys cooking, eating, woodworking, and watching sports.
Shreya Vardhan
shreya picture
Virtual Social Chair
Shreya Vardhan is a fourth-year graduate student interested in quantum chaos, hydrodynamics, and the AdS/CFT correspondence. She enjoys going on long walks, discovering new ice cream places, reading and playing tennis.
Patrick Oare
A photo of Patrick Oare
Physics Athletic Chair
Virtual Social Chair
Patrick is a second year graduate student in the CTP studying lattice QCD. Originally from New Jersey, he’s an avid player of ice hockey and tennis and is always interested in trying new sports. He also enjoys reading, biking, and exploring the Cambridge / Boston area.

Joseph Johnston
Careers Chair
Joe is a fifth-year graduate student in NuPAX. He studies bolometric neutrino detection with Lindley Winslow and Joe Formaggio. Outside the lab he enjoys biking, hiking, watching movies, and making his friends play board games.
Arkya Chatterjee
A photo of Arkya Chatterjee
Arkya is a second-year graduate student in the CMT division, interested in the physics of strongly-correlated and highly-entangled quantum matter. He hails from the Indian city of Kolkata (erstwhile Calcutta). Besides physics, he enjoys exploring music, math, literature, and his newfound love for cooking.